Professor, Dept. of Forest Resources and Envi. Conservation
Director, Virginia Water Resources Research Center
B.S., 1997, Environmental Science, Susquehanna University
M.S., 1999, Forest Resources, Penn State
Ph.D., 2004, Forest Engineering, Oregon State
Publications | CV | Contact

John C. Morgan
Ph.D. Candidate
B.S., 2020, Geosciences, Western Carolina University
M.S., 2022, Geography, Texas A&M University
Opportunities to join the lab.
Recent Graduate Students

Amanda Pennino
Ph.D., 2023
B.S., 2016, Soil Science, Oregon State University
M.S., 2018, Soil Science, University of Wyoming
Hubbard Brook Lateral Weathering Project
Now at USDA-NRCS National Soil Survey Center, Research Soil Scientist

Ph.D., 2018
M.S., Geography, San Diego State University
B.S., Environmental and Resource Economics, UC-Davis
B.A., Philosophy, UC-Davis
Coweeta Project
Now at University of Wisconsin-Superior, Assistant Professor

David P. Lee
M.S., 2018
B.S., Environmental Engineering, University of Florida
Passive Flux Meter Project
Now at Bridger-Teton National Forest, US Forest Service, Hydrology Crew Leader

Carrie K. Jensen
Ph.D., 2018 (GEA program)
M.S., Geography, University of Georgia
B.S., Geography, University of Georgia
Stream Network Expansion and Contraction Dynamics Project
Now at Blue Earth Planning, Engineering & Design, Asheville, NC

Amy C. Gondran
M.S., 2016
B.S., Wildlife and Fisheries Science, Texas A&M University
Mineland Reforestation and Water Quality Project
Now at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Redding, CA

Kristopher R. Brown
Ph.D., 2014
M.S., Forestry, Louisiana State University
B.S., Environmental Science, Juniata College
Forest Roads and Sediment Project
Now at Watershed Agricultural Council, NY, Research and Evaluation Forester

Ph.D., 2014
M.S., Hydrogeology, Virginia Tech
B.S., Physics: Earth Science, College of New Jersey
Hubbard Brook Hydropedology Project
Now at Virginia Tech, Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, Collegiate Associate Professor

Cody P. Gillin
M.S., 2013
B.S., Environmental Science, Western Washington University
Hubbard Brook Hydropedology Project
Now at Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Senior Restoration Specialist

Tyler A. Kreider
M.S., 2012
Rare earth element tracer project
Now at Kleinschmidt Associates, Strasburg, PA
Former Students and Associates of the Lab
Stephanie Duston, B.S. (2017), Undergraduate student and technician, Hubbard Brook Hydropedology Project, now a Ph.D. student in Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation at Virginia Tech
Rachel Cloutier, M.S. (non-thesis) (2010) The effect of upland and near-stream geomorphology on hyporheic exchange, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, now a wind energy analyst at DNV-GL, Peterborough, NH
Joel Detty, M.S. (2008), Threshold changes in shallow subsurface hydrology at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, now at Normandeau Associates, Inc., Bedford, NH
Christian Doogan, M.S. (2010), Landscape controls on stream chemistry variability in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest and White Mountains of New Hampshire
Drew Kellogg, B.S. (2022), Isotope hydrology on Brush Mountain, now hydrologic technician with US Forest Service
Charlene Kelly, postdoctoral associate, (2011), Interactions between climate and forest management: implications for headwater stream hydrology from the Coweeta paired watershed experiments, now Teaching Assistant Professor at West Virginia University.
Andrés Peralta Tapia, postdoctoral associate (2107-2019), (Virginia Tech and Umeå University), now at Umeå University
Courtney Reijo, M.F. (2012), Influence of Riparian Topography in Predicting Nitrogen Loads in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: An Application of SPARROW Modeling, now at University of Florida, Ph.D. program.
Delaney Peterson, B.S. (2020), Groundwater hydrochemistry at Hubbard Brook, now a Ph.D. student at University of Alabama
Janet Towse, M.S. (non-thesis) (2010), Assessing the pre- and post-condition of soil and water resources at the Ore Hill Mine CERCLA site, Center for Environmental Health Sciences, Dartmouth College (retired)
Tyler Weiglein, (2022), Ph.D. student (NC), Linkages between water transit times and stream solute concentrations in forested headwater catchments, now analyst with Environmental Integrity Project.
International Visitors
Paolo Benettin, Ph.D. student, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering (ICEA), University of Padova, Italy, September 2013-May 2014.
Dr. Theresa Blume, Research Scientist, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, October 2015-December 2015.
Susan Kok, M.S. student, Global Change and Ecosystem Program, Utrecht University, Netherlands, April 2013-August 2013.
Matthias Sprenger, Ph.D. student, Institute of Hydrology, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany, December 2013.
Dr. Kerstin Stahl, Research Scientist, Institute of Hydrology, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany, October 2012-December 2012.
Prof. Dr. Markus Weiler, Professor of Hydrology/Director, Institute of Hydrology, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany, October 2012-December 2012.
REU Students and Undergraduate Assistants
Patricia Brousseau, 2008, University of Vermont
Maggie Burns, 2011, University of Maine
Russell Callahan, 2013, Montana State University
Kyle Corcoran, 2015, Western Carolina University
Kara Crawford, 2021, Virginia Tech
Stephanie Duston, 2016, Virginia Tech
Logan Flanagan, 2024, Virginia Tech
Kelly Floro, 2014, George Mason University
Ben Geyman, 2015, Bowdoin College
Tyler Hampton, 2015, University of New Hampshire
Kaitland Harvey, 2009, University of Kentucky
Kaitlyn Hogarth, 2019, Virginia Tech
Tyler Kreider, 2008, SUNY-ESF
Brittany Le Beau, 2016, University of Vermont
Lindsey Long, 2020, Virginia Tech
Bridget O’Neill, 2012, University of Pittsburgh
Nathaniel Rasnake, 2019, Virginia Tech
Christen Sapnas, 2015, Boise State University
Johali Sotelo, 2016, Agnes Scott College
Margaret Zimmer, 2009, Oberlin College