
Online Teaching Resources

Virginia Tech Courses

Principles of Watershed Hydrology (WATR/FREC 3104) Study of hydrology in watersheds.  Qualitative and quantitative principles of physical hydrological processes governing the movement, storage, and transformation of water on the Earth’s surface as influenced by watershed characteristics, including human modifications. Pre: Junior standing Pre: MATH 1206 or MATH 2015. (3H,3C) (spring) (syllabus [VT access only])

Forest Soil and Watershed Management (FREC 4354) Properties and processes of soil and water in forests. Emphasis on management for the delivery of ecosystem goods and services. Includes analysis and interpretation in field and laboratory. (3H,3C) (fall) (syllabus [VT access only])

Watershed Hydrology (FREC/CSES 5144) Physical concepts of hydrological processes that affect age, origin, cycling, and flowpaths of water within watersheds. Analysis of current and historical research methods. Hydrological science as an interdisciplinary topic. Pre: Graduate standing. (3H, 3C) (spring) (syllabus [VT access only])

I also contribute to other courses in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation and elsewhere on campus.  In addition, I coordinate the Watershed Management graduate certificate program and the Watershed Management undergraduate minor.  For information on these programs, please go to the Water Center website.

Past Courses Offered

Field Methods in Water Resources
Hillslope and Watershed Hydrology
Watershed Assessment, Management, and Policy
Data Presentation and Communication
Applied Hydrogeology
Watershed Management and Planning
Snow Hydrology
Watershed Hydrology & Management
Forest Watershed Management
Watershed Management Laboratory