Characterizing the Hydrologic Impacts of Mountaintop Mining Using Stable Isotopes; Nicolas Zegre and Kevin J. McGuire, H31A-1120.
A Hydropedological View of Critical Zone Structure and Function at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA; Scott W. Bailey, Kevin J. McGuire, Thomas D. Bullen, and Donald S. Ross, B41H-07.
Rare Earth Elements as Tracers for Quantifying Reach-scale Sediment Dynamics in a Second-order Stream in Southwestern Virginia; Tyler A. Kreider, Kevin J. McGuire, and William C. Hession, EP41C-0627.
Cross-Regional Assessment Of Coupling And Variability In Precipitation-Runoff Relationships; Sean K. Carey, Doerthe Tetzlaff, Chris Soulsby, James M. Buttle, Hjalmar Laudon, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Kevin J. McGuire, Jan Seibert, and James B. Shanley, H41M-05.
Soil morphology as an indicator for spatial patterns of runoff generation thresholds (Invited); Kevin J. McGuire, Scott W. Bailey, John P. Gannon, Thomas D. Bullen, and Donald S. Ross, H44F-03.
Determining Solute Sources and Water Flowpaths in a Forested Headwater Catchment: Advances With the Ca-Sr-Ba Multi-tracer; Thomas D. Bullen, Scott W. Bailey, Kevin J. McGuire, Margaret A. Zimmer, and Donald S. Ross, EP51F-07.
Nonlinear Rainfall-Runoff Response across Contrasted High-Latitude Catchments within the North-Watch Program; Doerthe Tetzlaff, Genevieve A. Ali, Sean K. Carey, Chris Soulsby, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Jan Seibert, James M. Buttle, Hjalmar Laudon, Kevin J. McGuire, and James B. Shanley, H51F-1254.

Hydropedology at Hubbard Brook: Differentiating soil functional units with shallow ground water response data; John P. Gannon, Kevin J. McGuire, and Scott W. Bailey, H51F-1256.

Fine scale variations of surface and ground water chemistry in an ephemeral to perennial drainage network in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA; Margaret A. Zimmer, Scott W. Bailey, Kevin J. McGuire, and Thomas D. Bullen, H53F-1490.