Seminar at UVA today
Kevin will be presenting work on the Hubbard Brook hydropedology project at UVA’s Department of Environmental Sciences Seminar today. It always fun visiting our colleagues up the road, but we really need to do it more often.
Kevin will be presenting work on the Hubbard Brook hydropedology project at UVA’s Department of Environmental Sciences Seminar today. It always fun visiting our colleagues up the road, but we really need to do it more often.
Kris Brown attended the 17th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference in Shreveport, LA last week and won a best student presentation award. Congratulations Kris!
Reblog from Writing in Science There are great points made in this blog post on the use of acknowledgements in talks. This blog generally has great advice. “Last words are our strongest. That’s why the punchline comes at the end of the joke and the conclusions at the end of a presentation. The conclusion slide …
We all had a great time at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco last week. Kris, JP, and Cody all presented posters and Kevin convened a session on Deciphering Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes in Catchment Studies With a Focus on New Measurement Technologies and Hysteresis Analysis and gave a talk in a session on Nonpoint …
It’s that time of year. Group members are beginning to think about their AGU presentations! Here is the run down this year: EP13D-0881. Runoff and sediment delivery from bare and graveled forest road approaches to stream crossings. Kristopher R. Brown; Kevin J. McGuire; W. M. Aust H41G-1251. How microtopography and soil morphology can help decipher …
I used to teach a class in data visualization because I was frustrated with the quality of graphics in student work and that I was seeing in papers I was reviewing for journals. I just saw an article from my colleagues at Penn State that provides an excellent overview of effective data visualization principles. The article …
Ten guidelines for effective data visualization in scientific publications Read More »
I’m heading to Hubbard Brook today for this week’s Cooperators Meeting. This meeting is followed next week by the Gordon Research Conference on Catchment Science. Our group has a series of presentations at both meetings so it’s looking to be a busy couple of weeks. Here are a few titles of the presentations: “Hydropedology in W3: …
There are some excellent resources on this site for graduate students. Check them out!! Here is a document I wrote up for the ecology grad students at my university, with tips on giving a good talk, and on some common statistical mistakes to avoid. As with all the advice I offer, it is far from …
Advice: tips for talks and stats (via Oikos Blog) Read More »
A couple of weeks ago at our bi-weekly soils group meeting we were reviewing posters for presentation at the FREC graduate research symposium. At some point we got on the general topic of data presentation. Kevin mentioned the work of Dr. Edward Tufte, whose latest book “Beautiful Evidence” is now in my possession and quite …