Welcome to the Virginia Tech Watershed Hydrology Lab website. The lab is directed by Dr. Kevin McGuire. Thanks for checking us out!
RESEARCH TOPICS: Watershed, hillslope, and forest hydrology; runoff generation processes; tracer and isotope applications in hydrology; land use and climate change effects on watershed processes and water quality; forest watershed management and effectiveness of best management practices; and interactions between hydrology and biogeochemistry.
See also Cross-Boundary Biogeosciences @VT and the Virginia Water Resources Research Center.
Summer 2016 REU Hydropedology Crew at Hubbard Brook A grid of cups set out on the model give an accurate, high-resolution estimate of water input to the soil model. The hillslope model with tipping buckets and data logger installed. Kris on a forest road at Reynolds Homestead. Scott Bailey coring bedrock at Hubbard Brook. Wiring soil moisture/temperature probes, tensiometers, and tipping bucket to the data logger in the dorm room. Closeup of the outflow tipping bucket. Wiring soil moisture/temperature probes, tensiometers, and tipping bucket to the data logger in the dorm room (2). Hewlett hillslope at Coweeta set up for irrigation experiment. Kevin, Jennifer, and I watch Brian turn on the sprinklers. Closeup of sprinkler head. Tuned sprinkler heads spray water that was sampled by tipping bucket rain gauges in random locations. Kevin (left) and Raymond (right) at the soil model in 2015. Completed hoop-house, which is designed to keep out precipitation while letting in solar radiation. This weir, a place in a stream where a wall controls the flow of water, measures stream flow and dissolved chemical exports from Watershed 3 at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, where the research took place (photo credit: JP Gannon). Geoff Schwaner (hydroped technician) dragging the antenna. Let’s drag the antenna behind the truck! JP Gannon and Scott Bailey sampling a groundwater seep at Hubbard Brook. Summer high flow event. Joel with bore-hole permeameter. Pleasant View Farm Crew, 2012 Cody coloring soils. Catena from FOR 4354 – Forest Soils and Hydrology. JP installing groundwater wells. Kris survey erosion pins. Hubbard Brook Hydropedology PIs. JP resting after digging some soil pits. Stream tracer injection. REU students (Tyler and Patricia) receiving some soils training from the State Soil Scientist. Maggie Zimmer sampling wells. Watershed 3 soils crew, summer 2009. Maggie Burns doing slug tests in her wells. Preparing to hike equipment to remote locations. Watershed 3 summer crew – 2011. Kevin and Charley at rain gauge clearing at Coweeta (G. Schoenholtz). Cody running the total station. Show and tell at an intensive hillslope hydrology monitoring site. Kevin and Stephen Schoenholtz as it begins to rain (Photo: G. Schoenholtz). JP and Scott Bailey (USFS) sampling a groundwater seep.