It’s that time of year. Group members are beginning to think about their AGU presentations! Here is the run down this year:
EP13D-0881. Runoff and sediment delivery from bare and graveled forest road approaches to stream crossings.
Kristopher R. Brown; Kevin J. McGuire; W. M. Aust
H41G-1251. How microtopography and soil morphology can help decipher flow paths and processes in headwater catchments.
John P. Gannon; Kevin J. McGuire; Scott Bailey
H43I-01. Estimation of transit time in catchments using stable isotopes: approaches and limitations (Invited).
Kevin J. McGuire
EP43A-0861. Landscape metrics to predict soil spatial patterns.
Cody P. Gillin; Kevin J. McGuire; Scott Bailey; Stephen Prisley
H54D-05. Integrated landscape responses to climate in northern catchments.
Doerthe Tetzlaff; Chris Soulsby; James M. Buttle; Sean K. Carey; Hjalmar Laudon; Jeffrey J. McDonnell; Kevin J. McGuire; Jan Seibert; James B. Shanley