PROJECT TITLE: Multiscale Controls on Streamwater Chemistry

PROJECT DURATION: 1 January 2011 to present
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: Kevin McGuire and Scott Bailey (USFS)
COLLABORATORS: Christian Torgersen (USGS), Gene Likens (Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies), Don Buso (Cary Institute), Winsor Lowe (Montana), JP Gannon (Virginia Tech), Mark Green (Case Western), Denise Burchsted (Keene State), Nobu Ohte (Kyoto)
UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCHERS: Kyle Corcoran (Western Carolina), Christen Sapnas (Boise State)
PROJECT SUMMARY: Headwater streams are important sources of water for downstream ecosystems and human communities. These streams comprise the vast majority of stream and river length in watersheds and affect regional water quality. However, the spatial variability of natural streamwater chemistry is generally unknown in these headwater regions. Our study uses an unusually high-resolution spatial dataset from a headwater stream network to explore the spatial structure of chemical patterns in river networks. Newly developed geostatistical tools are employed to objectively describe spatial patterns of streamwater chemistry within the Hubbard Brook Valley, in central New Hampshire. The approach provides new insights on how flowing water interacts with the surrounding landscape at multiple spatial scales and is influenced by watershed characteristics such as vegetation, soil, and geologic material or by the manner in which the flowing water network itself affects chemical patterns in headwater streams. Application of this method may help to identify factors impairing water quality and to inform strategies for protecting aquatic ecosystems.
This material on this webpage is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB-1114804. Financial support to G.E. Likens for the collection of data in this project was also provided by the NSF LTREB program and The A.W. Mellon Foundation. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.